Information to the public in accordance with the Accident Ordinance (12th BImSchV, Annex V)

Die FIDELIS Logistics GmbH ist Eigentümer und Betreiber eines Betriebsbereichs im Sinne der Störfallverordnung (12. BImSchV). Entsprechend dem Anhang V, Teil 1+2, der 12. BImSchV geben wir der Öffentlichkeit folgende Information bekannt:
‍FIDELIS Logistics GmbH is the owner and operator of an operating area in accordance with the Accident Ordinance (12th BImSchV). In accordance with Annex V, Part 1+2, of the 12th BImSchV, we provide the following information to the public:

Part 1

1. Plant operator

FIDELIS Logistics GmbH
Am Reitersberg 16
95182 Döhlau

Phone: +49 9286 965684 0

Contact person: Joachim Döhla

2. Information about the operating area

- F1 and F2 New Year's Eve fireworks (after items 1a and 1b)

According to the determination of the quantity threshold in Annex I, column 5 of the 12th BImSchV, this is an “upper class” operating area. The immission control permit in accordance with Section 4 Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) and the storage permit in accordance with Section 17 SprengG for the construction and operation of the plant were issued by the Hof District Office, Department of Environment, with a decision dated 01.08.2018. The safety report in accordance with § 9 paragraph 1, 12. BImSchV was submitted to the Landratsamt Hof as the competent licensing authority.

3. Explanation of activities in the operational sector

The pyrotechnic products are delivered in BAM-tested cardboard boxes marked with dangerous goods law in their sales packaging. The goods are delivered to the operating area mainly by truck during core hours Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. An increased number of deliveries takes place in the first and last quarter of each year. The goods are packed on pallets by item and stacked in block storage in the individual hall segments (fire compartments). In the last quarter of the year, the pyrotechnic products are assembled into ready-to-ship commissions based on cardboard and taken over by freight forwarding partners for delivery by truck. The pyrotechnic products are not removed from their original sales packaging during the entire logistical process.

4. Managed hazardous substances

The pyrotechnic products belong exclusively to storage group 1.4 and compatibility groups 1.4 G and 1.4 S. The explosives in this group do not pose a significant risk. They burn down; individual objects can also explode. The effects are largely limited to the package. Explosives of dangerous size and flight range do not occur. A fire does not cause the entire contents of a pack to explode. The pyrotechnic components of Category P1 articles are hermetically sealed from the environment and cannot be released under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use. The hazardous substances contained in the pyrotechnic products correspond to the hazard category P1b Explosives/mixtures and products with explosives, in accordance with No. of Annex I to the 12th BImSchV.The operating area is a logistics facility for the storage of pyrotechnic products in storage group 1.4. The pyrotechnic products in accordance with Section 3a SprengG are divided into:- Pyrotechnic articles for technical purposes in category P1 “airbag units” (in accordance with point 3a).

5. Behavior in the event of an accident

The stored substances have no significant risk potential. In the event of fire or heavy smoke development, immediate residents should keep windows, doors and gates closed. Due to the sufficient protection and safety distances, there is no direct risk to immediate residents. Any instructions and requests from the fire department and other emergency services must be followed.

6. Site visits and monitoring plan

FIDELIS Logistics GmbH operates a safety management system in accordance with the KAS 19 guidelines to prevent accidents. The regular on-site inspection in accordance with Section 16 Incident Ordinance took place on 13.12.2022. Inquiries about the monitoring plan can be submitted to the Government of Upper Franconia, Division 50.

7. Environmental information

Further environmental information can be obtained from the Hof District Office, Department of Environment.

part 2

1. Accident scenarios and security measures

An accident can only occur if pyrotechnic products catch fire and the fire cannot be brought under control at an early stage. The probability of a fire event occurring is extremely low. In order to identify an incipient fire at an early stage and thus to avoid an accident, the following organizational, structural and fire protection measures have been taken for the operating area:

- There is an absolute smoking ban in the operating area and on the entire company premises, which is also instructed to external companies upon signature.

- To prevent fire due to sabotage (arson), a burglar alarm system with video surveillance, motion detectors and light barriers was installed.

- False ceiling smoke detectors have been installed to detect smoldering fire in cable routings at an early stage.

- The entire operating area is permanently monitored by a fire alarm system (Cat. 1 full protection), which is connected to the “Integrated Control Center Hochfranken” (ILS).

- The 4 hall segments (fire compartments) are divided by fire protection walls and separated by automatically closing fire protection doors (locking systems).

- Suction smoke detectors are installed in the hall areas, which constantly analyze the room air for flue gas contamination.

- Industrial trucks are charged exclusively in a structurally and fire protection separated battery load room.

2. Declaration of commitment from the operator

FIDELIS Logistics GmbH is committed to taking appropriate measures on the premises of the operating area — also in cooperation with emergency and rescue services — to combat accidents and to limit the effects of accidents as much as possible.